As a person living with ADHD, I am always driven to do “something” that lets my brain have a dopamine rush 🙂
Right now, that’s making an app for people with ADHD.
With the help of ChatGPT and my rudimentary knowledge of Swift and XCode I’m building ADHme, an app for people living with ADHD and struggling with one or more symptoms of it.

Right now, only the Onboarding View works. With it, users can choose their struggles, so that the app has some information about what tipps might help them best.
The Mockup shows an early version of the onboarding view.
After some tinkering with the code (and by doing this, learning a lot about Swift) the view now looks like this.

Next, the main work begins. After selecting the individiual struggles, users reach the main view. In it, they’ll find helpful tipps and motivational quotes to inspire them.

I am excited, working on the app in the next few weeks. If you want, you can join me on the journey!
Keep an eye on my website or connect via social: 𝕏 Instagram LinkedIn Facebook
Sometime in the future I’ll be happy to have you as a beta-tester!